Project subsidies

Project subsidies exist to encourage initiatives for and by students.

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No more SubComs this academic year. We'll be back next academic year!

The deadlines for project subsidies depend on the type. It is always recommended to apply for a project subsidy as early as possible. Take into account the dates at which the subsidy commission meets as well. During the blok and exam periods, the subsidy committee does not meet.

  • Small project subsidy: no later than 21 days before the start of the project.
  • Large project subsidy: no later than 30 days before the start of the project.

Applications must be sent by e-mail to

What is a project subsidy?

Project subsidies exist to encourage initiatives for and by students. As the organizer of an event, campaign, project... you can apply for subsidies to cover (part of) its costs. You do not need to be a recognized association for this. In addition to 'kringen' and recognized free associations, other student clubs, emerging electoral teams ('kiesploegen'), a student/several students not from an association, etc. can also apply for project subsidies.

The aim of these project subsidies is to provide a flourishing and diverse range of activities for all students in Leuven.

Two types of project subsidies can be applied for. Both project subsidies have their own terms, deadline and treatment. However, it is always advised to apply for a project subsidy as early as possible.

  • Small project subsidy (<€1000):
    Deadline: apply no later than 21 days before the start of the project for which a subsidy is requested.
    Procedure: The application is handled and granted by the subsidy commission. They try to meet every three weeks (not in blok and exam periods).

  • Large project subsidy (>€1000):
    Deadline: apply no later than 30 days before the start of the project for which a subsidy is requested.
    Procedure: The General Assembly of LOKO decides on the granting of large project subsidies. The subsidy commission advises the General Assembly. In the subsidy regulations, you can find the detailed order of the General Assembly's decision-making. The LOKO AV meets every two weeks on Friday evenings.

Is your project eligible for a project subsidy?

Projects must meet a number of requirements in order to be eligible for subsidies. The subsidy committee will then consider how much support can be given to each project.

The project:

  • Is not merely recreative (like a TD or cantus);
  • Is, in case it is political, pluralistic;
  • Is communicated both in Dutch and English, unless the activity is of that nature that it can only be done in one language;
  • Is for all Leuven students: own members are not given priority and the entrance fee is the same for all students. No other financial benefits are given to members;
  • Is, in itself, not profitable;
  • Mentions LOKO in its promotion:
    • Small project subsidies: LOKO is mentioned on all online and printed external communication, including flyers, posters, visuals etc.
      • Event description,
      • Thank you post (preferably before, possibly afterwards in case of late allocation)
      • Mention of other sponsors (this option is mandatory if there are other sponsors),
    • Large project subsidies:
      • Mandatory 'sponsored by LOKO'- logo on all communication,
      • Mention in description,
      • Thank you post (preferably before, possibly afterwards in case of late allocation),
      • Alternative conditions can be obtained after contacting the communications officer of LOKO.

In addition, LOKO also has to pay attention to its own budget.

How can you apply?

You can apply for a project subsidy by sending an email to

The application must contain at least the following information:

  • a detailed description of the project;
  • the scheduled time and location of the project;
  • the full detailed budget, with indication of where subsidies are being applied for and any sponsors or other sources of income (a template for your budget can be found below);
  • the amount that you are applying for;
  • a mandatory estimate of the number of participants and target audience.

Fill in the template you can find below. When applying, attach your budget to the template. You can also find a budget template using the same link below.

Applications must be sent by e-mail to

How is the procedure carried out?

Subsidies awarded will be paid at the end of the activity. To prevent people or associations from having to prepay while the association does not have the means to do so, an advance payment can be requested from LOKO, for which the General Manager can give permission.

To receive the subsidy, no later than one month after the end of the activity, the supporting documents have to be sent to These are:

  • A short report of the event (how it went, number of visitors, communication, evidence that LOKO is included in the communication...);
  • Final costs and incomes of the event and an indication of the costs for which the LOKO subsidy was used;
  • Evidence of payment* such as invoices, bills or expense reports according to the value of the subsidised amount.

If these supporting documents are not provided in time, this will have an impact on future subsidy applications from the organisation or person. In addition, the subsidy cannot be paid out without evidence.

*An official receipt of payment. You can download one via your online banking. A screenshot of your mobile banking app, a payment order or a letter is not valid.

Documents of evidence must be sent by e-mail to

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